Home>Your care>Vaccinations>Covid-19 vaccine

Please find below a number of commonly asked questions and answers about the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

More information on the Covid-19 vaccination can be found here.

More information about your Covid-19 vaccination can be found in this helpful NHS leaflet.

A guide for older adults


Information about the NHS Covid-19 Vaccine Programme

Should I still come for my jab if I feel unwell?

In line with normal vaccination advice, it is not advisable to have this vaccination if you currently have an infection causing you to feel feverish or particularly unwell.

If you just have a minor illness – the sort that you would normally expect to get better on its own – this should be ok. But please mention this when you arrive for your vaccination so we can check your condition.

You should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating, waiting for a COVID-19 test or unsure if you are fit and well.





Can I choose which vaccine I have?

There are a number of vaccines approved.

Any vaccines that are available will have been approved because they pass the MHRA’s tests on safety and efficacy, so people should be assured that whatever vaccine they get, it is worth their while. 

Is the vaccine safe?

Yes. The NHS will not offer any Covid-19 vaccinations to the public until independent experts have signed off that it is safe to do so. The MHRA, the official UK regulator, have said this vaccine is safe and highly effective, and we have full confidence in their expert judgement and processes.  
As with any medicine, vaccines are highly regulated products.
There are checks at every stage in the development and manufacturing process.   


Are there any side effects?

These are important details which the MHRA always consider when assessing candidate vaccines for use.
For this vaccine, like lots of others, they have identified that some people might feel slightly unwell.
All patients will be provided with information on the vaccine they have received, how to look out for any side effects, and what to do if they do occur, including reporting them to the MHRA. 


How effective is the vaccine and how long does it take to work?

The MHRA have said this vaccine is highly effective

The COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to reduce the chance
of you suffering from COVID-19 disease. 


Is the vaccine vegan/vegetarian friendly?

The  approved COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any animal products or egg.

Who cannot have the vaccine?

For the latest guidance on who should have the vaccine see here

How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine?

This is all included in the information published by the MHRA, and Public Health England will also be publishing more resources for patients and professionals. People can be assured the NHS will ensure that they have all the necessary information on those vaccines that are approved by the MHRA before they attend for their vaccination.  

I’m currently ill with COVID-19, can I get the vaccine?

People currently unwell and experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not receive the COVID-19 vaccine until they have fully recovered. This may be up to four weeks after their first symptoms.

Do people who have already had COVID-19 get vaccinated?

Yes, they should get vaccinated. There is no evidence of any safety concerns from vaccinating individuals with a past history of COVID-19 infection, or with detectable COVID-19 antibody, so people who have had COVID-19 disease (whether confirmed or suspected) can still receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it is their time to do so.

What's happening at Haxby Group?

We are inviting patients in the priority groups to come and have their vaccinations. The priority groups selected are in line with the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommendation. The NHS will let you know when it's your turn to have the vaccine. We may phone you or send you a text message. This is to make sure we get to absolutely everyone who is eligible. You might also receive a letter from the NHS, inviting you to book. Please do not contact the practice to ask about the vaccine. There is more helpful information on the NHS website.

What's happening in York?

Nimbuscare is delivering Covid vaccinations on behalf of Haxby Group and our Primary Care Network, serving a population of 48,039 patients.

Vaccination clinics are being carried out at the. Askham Bar vaccination centre. We may also be holding clinics at Haxby and Wigginton Health Centre. 

We are working with Nimbuscare to deliver vaccinations at the York Vaccination Centre, Askham Bar. You can choose to book your appointment here via the national booking system.

What’s happening in Hull?

Haxby Group and Modality GP Practice groups will be delivering the Covid-19 vaccine on behalf of two Primary Care Networks (PCN), serving a population of 158,724 patients.
These are the Modality PCN and Nexus PCN.
Vaccination clinics ware being held at the KC stadium and other locations in Hull and people will be invited to attend. 

How many vaccines are you expecting to do on day one? Is there an hourly/weekly/monthly target?

The most important thing here is that the NHS aims to vaccinate as many people as safely and quickly as possible – this is something new and we do not have targets at the moment. 

What if I can't get to my vaccination site?

The NHS has been working together with local partners to ensure that people are not disadvantaged because of where they live, whether they own a car or if they are able to get about. This is why the NHS has developed three different models of delivery.

Vaccines are being offered in hospital hubs, local sites and large vaccination centres, known as Mass Vaccination Centres. 

How is the vaccine being stored

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines need to be stored at ultra-low temperatures. Special freezers and fridges are used for this.

The AZ Oxford Vaccine does not need to be stored at these low temperatures and can be kept in fridges for a longer period.

How will I know when to come for my vaccine?

Please do not ring the practice or hospital. Details of who is eligible can be found on the NHS.UK website.

We know lots of people will be eager to get protected but we are asking people to book via the NHS.UK website or by ringing 119.

How will my GP Practice know when to invite me?

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has set the criteria for who should get the vaccine and in what order they should receive it.

You will be contacted. A national invite and recall system, drawn from GP patient records, may be used. 


Are there any known or anticipated side effects?

Like all medicines, vaccines can cause side effects. Most of these are mild and short-term, and not everyone gets them. Even if you do have symptoms after the first dose, you still need to have the second dose. You may not be protected until at least seven days after your second dose of the vaccine.
Very common side effects include:
•     Having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection. This tends to be worst around 1-2 days after the vaccine
•     Feeling tired
•     Headache
•     General aches, or mild flu like symptoms
As with all vaccines, appropriate treatment and care will be available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following administration.

Will the COVID-19 vaccine protect me from flu?

No, the COVID-19 vaccine will not protect you against the flu. If you have been offered a flu vaccine, please try to have this as soon as possible to help protect you, your family and patients from flu this winter.

How do I get an NHS number?

You may already have an NHS number but just don’t know it. If you don’t know your NHS number, you can find out if you have one and what it is at: https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-number
If you don’t have an NHS number this is likely to be because you are not registered with a GP. If this is the case, we would recommend speaking with your local practice about registering. 
As well as getting access to Covid-19 vaccines, being registered with a GP also means you are invited to important health checks such as for cancer or heart disease, and can access care easier when you need it.
More information on registering with a GP is available at https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/gps/how-to-register-with-a-gp-surgery/

What if I book an appointment through the NHS website or 119 and I need to rearrange it?

If you need to rearrange an appointment that you booked through the NHS website, you can do this through the ‘manage your appointments’ section on the booking page. 
If you booked through 119, you can also ring to rearrange your appointment. 
If you can’t attend your appointment for any reason, please cancel or rearrange it so that the appointment slot can be given to someone else who needs it. 

Can I still book if I previously had an appointment but didn’t attend or cancel it?

Yes. Only those who have had a vaccination recorded are marked on our system and are therefore unable to book again.


Who will vaccinate me?

There are a number of roles within the vaccination programme and these will require different levels of qualifications and experience.

Healthcare professionals and clinicians, as well as other staff who have been specially trained, will be supporting the vaccination programme. These will be some existing staff, some from other practices and some new staff recruited specifically for the programme.


Will the staff be trained?

Public Health England has compiled comprehensive training which will include anaphylaxis and Basic Life Support training, injection administration, training on vaccines in general and the specific ones that will be used, and all the mandatory training NHS have to do. Importantly vaccinators will be supervised and assessed by senior clinicians to ensure both their safety and of course the safety of the people they are vaccinating – just like any other vaccinator.  

Will the vaccine programme affect other services at the practice?

We have tried to plan so that we can support the vaccine programme without affecting other vital general practice services.

However, there may be some impact on the availability of appointments for a short period of time.

Who will get the vaccine?

Will NHS staff get the vaccine soon?

Health and social care workers are in one of the top priority groups, determined by the JCVI.

If you are NHS staff you are in one of the top priority groups and we would ask that you do not ring your GP practice. Staff groups will be vaccinated at the regional hub sites. The aim is to carry out these vaccinations very soon. 
You will be notified on a regional basis with details of how to book. 
For more information on the JCVI priorities visit here


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